2. In this Regulation, unless otherwise indicated by the context:“auxiliary staff” means the staff of the firm other than the professional and technical staff; it includes typists, technical assistants, chainmem, rodmen and polemen (personnel auxiliaire);
“client” means the department or body to which a firm supplies professional services (propriétaire);
“engineer” means a member of the Ordre des engineers du Québec or a holder of a temporary permit issued by the Order practising as an engineer in the private sector (ingénieur);
“firm” means an engineer who carries on business individually under the engineer’s own name or under a firm name, as well as a partnership and a corporation (firme);
“lead engineer” means the engineer designated by the firm to manage, coordinate and supervise the engagement, a role which may be carried out by different engineers during the engagement (patron);
“support staff” means the staff employed by the firm on a daily basis, other than the professional, technical or auxiliary staff; it includes weighmen, tallymen, clerks and lumberjacks (personnel de soutien).